2024 Proceedings of the SSRC Annual Stability Conference

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2024 Beedle Award Paper
SS2 - Special Topics in Structural Stability I
Constrained Finite Strip Method: kinematic- and force-based approaches
Analyzing the Buckling Behavior of Steel Angle Sections in Transmission Towers
Stability of Open Web Steel Joists with Flush Frame Connections During Erection
SS7 - MAJR Award Presentation
S1 - Stability of Thin Walled Structural Members I
Buckling Analysis of Cold-Formed Steel Built-Up Members Using Generalized Beam Theory
Web crippling stability behavior of CFS open built-up beams under end two-flange loading
S2 - Stability of Thin Walled Structural Members II
S3 - Stability of Bridge Members I
S4 - Stability of Bridge Members II
Staggered Cross-Frame Layouts in Horizontally Curved I-girder Bridges
Effects of Shear on the Elastic Lateral Torsional Buckling of Singly Symmetric I-beams
Bending and shear buckling interaction resistance of hybrid steel girders
S5 - Stability of Building Members
Critical moment of doubly-symmetric beams with prebuckling deflection: the effect of end supports
On lateral-torsional buckling of steel I-section beams subjected to biaxial bending
Revisiting the minimum I-section cross-sectional proportions to ensure adequate shear capacity
S6 - Stability Under Extreme Loading I
S7 - Stability Under Extreme Loading II
Fire design of carbon steel and stainless steel structural members by GMNIA with strain limits
Post-fire behaviour of high-strength steel welded I-section columns
S8 - Special Topics in Structural Stability III
Experimental studies on the stability of aluminum beam-columns
On the definition of geometrical imperfections in the F.E. modelling of CHS in compression
Investigations on System Stability of Three-Dimensional Frames
S9 - Advances in Stability Analysis I
S10 - Advances in Stability Analysis II
Quantifying Error Associated with Simplifications to the Direct Analysis Method
A fast, scalable shell fnite element formulation implemented with open-source software
S11 - Stability of Floor and Roof Systems I
Effect of intermittent edge support on plate in-plane compressive strength and shear rigidity
The impact of analysis assumptions on buckling prediction in open-web steel joists
Experimental testing of single-overhanging I-shaped steel girders
Fiber optic sensing for buckling detection on profiled steel deck
S12 - Stability Floor and Roof Systems II
S13 - Special Topics in Structural Stability II
Influence of residual stresses on the cross-section stability of WF shapes
Large deformation analysis of solar photovoltaic (PV) structures
Flexural buckling tests on 1:4 scale wind turbine tower tubes
Elastic post-buckling behaviour of single layer steel reticulated barrel vaults
Proceedings Only