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The Structural Stability Research Council is led by a group of officers and an executive committee.

The current officers of the Structural Stability Research Council are:

Craig Quadrato, Ph.D., P.E., Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, 2024-2025

Kara Peterman, Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2024-2025

John Kintz, Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, 2023-2025

Past Chair

Dan Linzell, Ph.D., P.E., University of Nebraska, 2024-2025

Executive committee members include:


Anthony Battistini, Ph.D., Angelo State University, 2023-2025 (first term)
Lakshmi P. Subramanian, Indian Institute of Tech. Madras, 2023-2025 (first term)
Hannah Blum, Member, 2024-2026 (first term)

Nicolas Boissonnade, Member, 2023-2025 (second term)
Andres Sanchez, Member, 2024-2026 (second term)
Mina Seif, Member, 2024-2026 (second term)


Martin Downs, SSRC Coordinator

Carlo Lini, AISC-SSRC Liaison

Recent SSRC News
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