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Congratulations to SSRC Award Winners

Although we were not able to hold our Annual Business Meeting this year, SSRC is pleased to recognize our award winners. Congratulations to all for their contributions to stability research and their dedication to SSRC!

Distinguished Membership

Distinguished members are individuals who have made significant contributions to SSRC over many years, and this is the highest level of membership in SSRC. This year, we are proud to honor two individuals with Distinguished Membership: Sam Easterling and Perry Green.

2020 Vinnakota Award

The Vinnakota Award is presented each year to the student with the best SSRC Annual Stability Conference paper. This year’s Vinnakota Award winner is Nuno Peres, who is advised by Rodrigo Gonçalves and Dinar Camotim. We are also pleased to recognize two honorable mentions for the Vinnakota Award this year: Abdullah Alghossoon (advised by Amit Varma) and Andrea Toffolon (advised by Andreas Taras). SSRC is very grateful to Ramulu Vinnakota for establishing and funding this award in honor of his parents, Sarada and Raju Vinnakota, who believed in the importance of education and research.

2020 Yoon Duk Kim Young Researcher Award

The Yoon Duk Kim Young Researcher Award is presented to honor the memory of the late Yoon Duk Kim. This award recognizes a student or early-career professional who has made a noteworthy contribution to the advancement of structural stability, and this year’s winner is André Martins. We would also like to congratulate Hannah Blum for being named honorable mention for this award.

2019 MAJR Medal

The MAJR Medal, presented in honor of the late Bill McGuire, is awarded each year to a young researcher who is less than 10 years out from completing their PhD. SSRC is thrilled to present Cilmar Basaglia with this year’s MAJR Medal and to recognize two honorable mentions, Kara Peterman and Telmo Andrés Sanchez. SSRC is very grateful to Dinar Camotim for funding this award.

2020 Beedle Award

SSRC’s most prestigious award, the Beedle Award, is presented in honor of the late Lynn Beedle to a long-time SSRC member who has made outstanding contributions throughout their life to the domain of structural stability. SSRC is pleased to honor Kim Rasmussen with this highest honor.

Congratulations to all our award winners!

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