2017 Annual Stability Conference Presentation
Session S8 – Stability of Wall Systems Thursday, March 23, 2017 3:00 pm
SC Wall Compression Behavior: Interaction of Design and Construction Parameters
Modular steel-plate composite (SC) construction involves pre-fabricated steel modules that are transported to the site, assembled and then filled with concrete. The construction parameters (concrete casting height, etc.) and casting sequence for these modular walls may vary, leading to small but permanent stresses and deformations (or imperfections). These geometric imperfections, combined with the variations in SC wall design and detailing parameters (such as steel and concrete grades, tie bar spacing, faceplate slenderness), could influence the compressive behavior and capacity of the SC walls. This paper explores the effects of imperfections and design parameters on the axial compression capacity of the SC walls. The analysis procedure involves simulating the effects of initial imperfections, construction sequence, etc., followed by axial compressive loading up to failure. Parametric studies are conducted to evaluate the effect of variability in steel grades, faceplate slenderness, and height of concrete pour on the compression behavior of SC walls. The analysis results indicate that the compression behavior of SC walls (for nuclear facilities) is dominated by concrete. Faceplates for SC walls meeting the requirements of AISC N690s1 perform adequately (yield in compression before buckling) for concrete pour heights up to 30 ft. However, the concrete pour height and plate slenderness affect the faceplate waviness tolerance, and need to be addressed in the analysis. The performance of specimens with 36 ksi faceplates is acceptable for the current configuration of ties, but needs to be explored for different configurations. Future studies will further evaluate the effects of tie spacing and configuration, and concrete grades.
Saahastaranshu R. Bhardwaj and Amit H. Varma, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN