2017 Annual Stability Conference Presentation
Session S5 – Stability of Members and Connections Thursday, March 23, 2017 8:00 am
Stability of Extended Beam-to-Girder Shear Tab Connections Under Gravity Induced Shear Force
A coordinated experimental and numerical investigation of the behaviour and stability requirements of full-depth extended shear tabs is described in the paper. Based on the FE analyses, the load transfer mechanism and the buckling capacity of the stiffened portion of the full-depth shear tab were determined. The parameters, which influenced the buckling of the stiffener, were studied; including the depth and thickness of the shear plate, the depth of the girder, the width of the girder flanges, and the flexibility of the girder web. Further FE analyses were completed to determine the buckling capacity of the shear tab with reduced depth of the stiffener. In addition, the load-transfer mechanism and buckling capacity of these shear plates were modeled when they are used in double-sided configurations, i.e. when a beam is placed on both sides of the girder.
Mohammad Motallebi and Colin A. Rogers, McGill University, Montreal, QC; Dimitrios G. Lignos, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland