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SSRC Announces the Winners of the 2022 MAJR Award

It is with great pleasure that SSRC announces Hannah Blum as the winner of the 2022 MAJR Award. The McGuire Award for Junior Researchers (MAJR Medal) has been established in honor of the late Professor William “Bill” McGuire, a long-term member of SSRC, who emphasized that state-of-the-art research is instrumental to improve the quality of stability design. The award recognizes the research activity of the candidate in a period not exceeding ten years after obtaining their Ph.D. degree.

Hannah was chosen for her high-quality and cutting-edge stability focused research, her strong record of professional engagement seeking to translate research into practice, and her investment in the structural engineering profession through extensive service to SSRC. She will be presented with the award at the 2023 SSRC Annual Stability Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina. Hannah will also give a lecture in conjunction with the annual SSRC Business Meeting.

Additionally, we are proud to announce Ali Imanpour as the Honorable Mention for the 2022 MAJR Award. He will be presented with his award at the 2023 SSRC Annual Stability Conference.

SSRC thanks the committee members charged with making this decision, Dan Linzell, Larry Fahnestock and Craig Quadrato. We welcome everyone to attend the 2023 Annual Stability Conference where we will congratulate Hannah and Ali once again on their achievements.

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